Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Haircut

Thursday was Logan's first haircut! Jared and I have been going to the same place to get our haircut since we've been together and I've been going there even longer-so I've known Kendra a long time! So we definitely had to have her do the first haircut. It went really well-he didn't squirm too much. Every now and then he had to turn to see what she was doing. Having his haircut really makes him look like Jared, it's pretty cute! After his haircut we went out to lunch and then Jared had to go back to work. It was a pretty fun day!

The before picture

Putting on the cape

I'm not so sure about this mama...

Okay, now you're just messing with me

This isn't so bad

What is that noise?

All done!

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