Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Favorite Things in April

Here are some of my favorite things from April.

My pampered chef garlic press-it's amazing.  No more chopping sticky garlic, no more smelly garlic hands-just stick the garlic clove in, press and wham-garlic fresh out of the peel.

The beautiful flowers in my yard-especially "the carpet"-smells so good!

My new floral top from target-so pretty!  I've really been trying to branch out and try wearing things that I normally wouldn't wear-floral tops is one of them.  I was surprised how much I liked it.
My new jeweled flip flops-also from Target-they have such great stuff!

My new knitting book-I've been wanting this book for a while but I didn't want to spend $20-that seems like so much for a book.  I found a brand new one on eBay for $9 and free shipping-and I had $4 in eBay bucks so I only paid $5!  Can't wait to knit Spud the sheep ;)

Last but not least is Logan's new swing set!  He loves it and so do Jared and I.

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