Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Birthday

I absolutely loved my birthday gifts this year!  I've always hated the light fixtures that came with our house and I just so happened to be looking at some online and found one for-wait for it....$99!!!  It's fabulous and I absolutely love it!  (I can't say it's my favorite present because three years ago-we found out we were pregnant and bought a house all around my birthday and four years ago I bought a car-but it's definitely a great present!)

Now we just need to buy five more fixtures and we'll be done :)

Another gift I received was this AMAZING birthday cake from Jared's coworker Erin.  I think it's the most delicious cake I've EVER eaten.  And it was so pretty!

Two more presents that I bought with my birthday money are two things that I've been wanting since I started knitting-a yarn swift and a ball winder.  These two things will save me tons of time!!

It was such a great birthday!

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