Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Favorite Things in August

Here are my favorite things in August.
My birthday and my awesome gifts!
My awesome new light fixture!

Knitting-of course but that's always on my favorites list.  Maybe because I'm making a little extra cash knitting for some of my coworkers.  I have to say having a yarn swift and ball winder is awesome! (Another birthday gift).
And last on my list this month (but not the least) is my wonderful husband.  I've been realizing that not everyone has a husband as amazing as mine-if only everyone was so lucky.  We can talk about anything and everything, he empties the dish washer just because he knows how much I hate doing it, and he lets me sleep in on the weekends because he knows that I spend the week getting up before the sun does. He even supports my running habit-watching Logan when I head out to run.  These are just some of the things that he does for me that make me truly happy-love you baby!

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