Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Favorite Things in May

May was an interesting month-the weather was just strange.  From cool and rainy to over 100 degrees (on our family picture day) it was just typical Nebraska I guess. My first 5K, ticks and haircuts it was a full month.  Here are some of my favorite things that happened in May.

1. Family pictures.  My MIL sent me an email from Living Social that a great deal on a picture session so I decided to do it.  We hadn't had Logan's three year pictures done yet and for the price I couldn't pass it up.  The photographer was Lex Logan and she did an amazing job!  Here are a couple that we really liked.  They were taken in the Haymarket downtown.

2. The Glow Run.  My first 5K.
Here I am with my coworkers from left to right-Janell, Lewis and Kim.

The Glow Run was held at Haymarket Park and there was a baseball game going on during the whole thing.  How distracting for those baseball players. 

3.  This football helmet hat I made for one of the doctors I work with.  That's his number on the back. 

4. Defeating this spider that was in my garage.  To anyone that knows me this was a BIG deal.  I didn't purposely kill it I simply used a snow shovel to scoop it out of my garage.  If I killed it in the process then that's it's own fault. 

5.  I don't know why I like this so much but I really do!  Flower decor on my Mud room door. 

6. Spring!!  At the end of May!! It's finally here!!  
One of the trees in our yard in full bloom. 

7.  Playing board games with Logan-if only his attention span were longer! 

8.  Logan getting his hair cut before our family pictures-he's just so darn cute! 

9. Logan and Jared during children's time at church.  Sorry for the grainy photo.  I scared the hell out of the lady in front of me taking this one so I didn't want to chance another one. 

10.  And last but not least a giant fricking tick!  Devaney was the victim in this one.  At first I thought it was a beetle but then took a second look.  I think it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen-and I've seen a lot of gross stuff!

Well there you have it!  May all wrapped into ten kind of weird things!

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