Friday, February 25, 2011

First Steps!!!!

Logan took his first steps last night!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) We were so excited! Jared and I were just so happy that we were both there to see it. We had been at the doctors again :( because Logan has been sick with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and we needed to get a nebulizer for breathing treatments. We were about to do a breathing treatment and Logan, who has been standing on his own for a while, was standing there watching me get everything ready so I bent down and asked him to come to me and he walked!!! Yay! It was a great moment.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Out with Daddy

Today we went to visit Jared at work. It's always nice to see everyone and Logan and I enjoy it so much.

Doesn't he look so comfortable?

Exploring the storage room

Exploring the storage room with Daddy

Awww isn't that sweet?

Yum this looks good...

...I think I'll try it...

...oh wait, this is more fun! This licorice was thrown away when he was done with it ;)

Logan standing on the scale (21.4 lbs) He's definitely thinning out!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

When I got home from work on Friday and pulled into the garage there were two tulips lying on the railing leading up to the door. When I walked into the house there was Jared and Logan waiting for me and two huge bouquets of pink and yellow tulips!! My favorite!! Isn't my husband so sweet? He's also getting me a necklace with Logan's name on it.
On Saturday we went shopping for Jared. I wanted to get him some more shirts-but I never pick out his clothes-he's so picky. Logan really enjoyed walking around the mall-there were tons of people there so he had plenty to look at.

First Haircut

Thursday was Logan's first haircut! Jared and I have been going to the same place to get our haircut since we've been together and I've been going there even longer-so I've known Kendra a long time! So we definitely had to have her do the first haircut. It went really well-he didn't squirm too much. Every now and then he had to turn to see what she was doing. Having his haircut really makes him look like Jared, it's pretty cute! After his haircut we went out to lunch and then Jared had to go back to work. It was a pretty fun day!

The before picture

Putting on the cape

I'm not so sure about this mama...

Okay, now you're just messing with me

This isn't so bad

What is that noise?

All done!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

One Year Blanket

I've been working on a blanket for Logan for his first birthday. It took me forever to decide which pattern to do-so I'm actually going to make two because I couldn't decide. I'm working on the one that Jared likes the most. Here are a couple of pictures of it:

Hopefully I'll be able to finish it by his birthday :/

More Teeth/1st Birthday Fast Approaching

Logan is getting his 7th tooth! We were wondering why he's been a little crabbier than normal. He's also getting a lot closer to taking that first step. He'll stand on his own but he doesn't quite want to put that foot out and take a step. That's okay with us though-he'll walk when he's ready.

March 11 is about a month away! (We're planning on having a small birthday party for him at our house on March 12.) I'm excited but kind of sad too-it's gone so fast. But I'm definitely ready to be done pumping! Yay!!
We're not doing much for the Super Bowl-just hanging out at home with Logan and Devaney. I hope you all have been doing well and hope to see some of you soon!

Happy Boy that needs a haircut

Getting into the cupboards (I was in the process of moving all of my glass baking dishes)
He fell asleep while he was eating :)