Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kansas City Trip

Jared's parents planned a trip to Kansas City back in April which didn't end up working out-Thanks a lot Nascar hillbillies! :)  So we ended up going Mother's Day weekend-and it was a blast!  We left Friday evening after we all got off work and got to KC around 11pm.  The trip was mostly to meet up with Jared's sister Renee and do some shopping and lots of eating.

Family picture!!  In front of one of the water features in the Plaza.

Logan in Fritz's Diner-there was a train that goes around the ceiling that brings you your food.  Pretty neat!

Logan riding in the train at Fritz's-once we put in the money and it started moving that smile vanished :)

Swim time!  This is Logan's first time in a pool-he really liked it.  You'll notice I'm not in this picture-I was on the treadmill shortly after I took this picture.

The entrance to T-Rex cafe.  With Logan's fascination with dinosaurs we had to go in.

The T-Rex that greets you as you walk in.

This giant squid was the top of the bar.

Another family picture-I think we're getting better at this!  Our family in front of the T-Rex.

Thanks so much to Jack and Cheryl for a wonderful weekend!

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