Saturday, June 11, 2011

Logan's First Zoo Trip

I decided that I really wanted to go to the Omaha zoo, it was time for Logan to see all of the neat exhibits and my favorite-the aquarium. It's been nearly 10 years since I've been there myself and even longer for Jared. Good friends of ours, Holly and Jason and their daughter Morgan live in Omaha so we invited them along as well as Mark and Beth. It was a really great time, the weather was perfect; not too hot or windy. Logan and Morgan had a blast!

Logan shoving an entire waffle in his mouth on our way to pick up Mark and Beth

Logan and Morgan *Hugs*

...more hugs (at least on his part)

Jared and Logan looking at the monkeys

Our little family

Jared and Logan looking at the jellies

A sea turtle passing overhead in the aquarium

Me and Logan in the observation bubble in the penguin tank

Me and Logan

Me and Logan in the aquarium


Logan and Morgan in their hats :*


Sea Lions

Aren't they sweet??

Logan looking at the gorillas