Sunday, June 3, 2012

On My Needles

I think that since I've started running again I've had so much more energy so I've been finding lots of time for knitting projects.  Here's what I just finished.  It's a little poncho for a coworker who's pregnant with a little girl (obviously) and due in September.  I'm so excited to give this to her.  I'm also making matching booties.

Mini Me

Last night when I was getting ready for bed Jared came in and told me to go look at Logan.

He had put on my Ipod running band and put the ear phones in his ears and told Jared, "I go running."  So funny!

My Favorite Things in May

Wow time flies!  I can't believe that it's already June.  Here are some of my favorite things from May.

Our trip to KC.  Such a fun time!

The scarf that I knitted on the way to KC :)

Goes great with the gray, right?

The elephant that I knitted for Jared's coworker, Erin.

Cute little bugger.

And last but not least-running.  I've started running again-I love running in the heat-I've run over 50 miles since the beginning of May!  I'm hoping to get a running watch soon to help me track my distance so I don't have to keep running the same path over and over again.  Here's a funny ad that was in a magazine not too long ago-I saw this and bust out laughing-it's so true! 

This now hangs on my fridge ;)

These were the things that really stuck out at me from May-I hope you all had a good month!