Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Favorite Things in March

March was such a busy month here in the Scott house.  With Logan's birthday party, spring cleaning, a trip to the Children's Museum and lots of knitting there were lots of favorites form this month.

1. Logan's Birthday Week
We had so much fun celebrating Logan's birthday.  I love watching his reactions to opening presents and talking to everyone that came to his party.  It's all kind of bittersweet.  I love watching him grow and learn but it's all happening so fast!

2. Our trip to the Lincoln Children's Museum.  I'm not sure why I'm putting this on the favorites list because I hated every minute of it except for watching Logan take it all in.  He at least seemed to enjoy it.

3.  Warm weather!  There were a couple of days of really nice weather and then it disappeared.  But it was nice while it was here.

4. Finishing my first ever sweater-woot!  Now I'm working on sweater #2!

I hope everyone had a great March!

Off My Needles

I have finally knitted the last sleeve in my first ever sweater!  It's been a long time coming!  I started this project way back in January of 2012-so it's about time I finish it up.  I have to admit that seaming is my least favorite part of knitting things-it takes a lot of patience and when I'm at the end of big project I don't have very much patience left.  I'm going to be taking my time though because I really like how the pieces turned out and I want to like the seamed sweater just as much-plus I want to wear it!  I'm excited to be able to say that I'm wearing something I made. I know I can say that about a lot of other things like socks and scarves but a sweater just seems so much more impressive.

Love it!