Monday, October 31, 2011

Holy Grandmother's Spatula Batman--it's Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone! We had a great time handing out candy this year. It was so fun to look out the window and see all the little spooks running around, and let me tell you--there were a ton! We bought fruit snacks this year--partly so I wouldn't eat a ton of candy--and I bought 224. 13 went to Logan's daycare so we were left with 211--they were gone in an hour and 10 minutes. Our lights were out and the door was closed by 7:40 pm. We had kids coming up the house and ringing the door bell, it was so sad to have to turn them away because we ran out of treats. Next year we'll buy 300--hopefully that will cover it. After we were done handing the treats out Jared's parents came over to see Logan in his costume.

Sassy Batman

All tuckered out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Superheros at the Scott House

Saturday was kind of a slow day for us here. Nebraska had a by-week so football didn't take over our Saturday like it usually does (YAY!). I did a little cleaning and ended up with some unexpected help:

Who knew that batman could swiffer? And in those shoes!?!

Superman was just there to supervise (hehe get it supervise?)

Here's Superman wrangling the evil Hairy Mutt

Ahhh...couldn't do it without my V8