Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Favorite things of June

So I'm a little behind on my blog posts...I blame it on my Nook.  We'll just say I've been reading a lot :)  Anyhow here are my favorite things of June.

This is absolutely one of my favorite purchases ever!  My new running watch.  It tells me the distance I've ran, my pace (which is always slow), and if you plug it into the computer it will tell you all sorts of fun things.  It comes with a Nike chip that you can either put in your shoe (if you wear Nikes-which I don't) or you can buy a little pouch that clips into your laces.  LOVE this watch.  It's made running so much more fun for me-I don't have to stay on the bike path-I can go anywhere and know how far I've been.

At the moment I don't know why I'm adding this to my favorites list-maybe I'm hoping it will become one of my favorites?  Well I started using Clinique three step system-hoping that I could quit the acne cream that I had been on.  As of today I'm really broken out and want to put a bag over my head every time I leave the house but I'm sticking with it.  I've decided that the burning, bleaching and flaking that are associated with all acne creams are not worth it anymore and I refuse to take any medication unless I'm in severe pain (gotta keep those kidneys healthy!) so that's not in my future either.  So here I am listing this as a favorite.  It does have some good things going for it-if my skin weren't completely red and bumpy I'd be happy with it :)

That's all for June-I've pretty much spent most of my spare time running and cooking-so not too much to report on this month.

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