Saturday, September 3, 2011

Four Day Weekend!

Happy Labor Day everyone! I'm very excited because I have four days off-which never happens. I have lots of things that I need to do, here's my list:

Run (three times)

Clean the bathrooms

Clean the kitchen



Fold the laundry (Just because I do the laundry doesn't mean it gets folded-I hate folding laundry)

Buy new running shoes that don't give me blisters so I can accomplish my first task

Go to Super Target


Watch all my Tivo'd (is that a word?) shows which I can do while knitting-I'm great at watching TV and knitting :)

Read-I really need to finish reading The Girl Who Plays with Fire-I borrowed it from a coworker and she'd probably like it back within the year

Apparently learn how to make the bullets look right in a blog-it looks fine in when I'm typing it and then it gets all out of line when I post it-so weird!

I wanted to add sleep to the list but since my husband rocks he let me take a nap Friday after work and let me sleep in today-he's the best!

So far, on my first day off I ran (3.2 which made it the second week in a row that I ran 12.8 miles!) did a little knitting and TV watching, and did laundry but it didn't get folded. Hopefully the rest of this list gets done but I'm not really counting on it. I never get four days off in a row so I'm going to try and enjoy it while I can and that might mean the cleaning will have to wait.

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