Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Favorite Things from December

Obviously I have been slacking....oops!  Here are some of my favorite things from December.

1. The Ninja
I started making smoothies last summer and the cheapo blender that I bought which worked great for a while started smelling like it was going to explode when I used it.  Needless to say I stopped making smoothies so much.  Jared bought me this awesome blender for Christmas and it's so awesome.  I'm no longer afraid of my blender exploding and getting a face full of fruit and yogurt.

2. My new Kitchen Aid mixing bowl

LOVE!  And it comes with a lid so it's super special.

3. Baking cookies with Logan.  I love cookies, he loves cookies...'nuff said.

4. Watching Logan open his Christmas presents.  I think this was the first year that he really cared about it so it was fun seeing him get excited about his presents.

5. This amazing little dinosaur egg.  This is an egg that you place in water and it "hatches" a dinosaur.  Logan loves all things dinosaur so he was totally into this.  We had to go and check on it everyday at least a couple of times to see if it had hatched yet.  (I love that when I'm cracking eggs he says "Mama they're hatching!")

6. Christmas in general this year was one of my favorite Christmases that I can remember.  I'm not sure why either I just really got into it.  Usually I'm so busy with work that by the time it's actually here I'm sick of it, but not this year.  Maybe it has something to do with decorating early it just got me in the spirit.

7. Last but not least-socks!

I don't know if I can actually call these a favorite or not but they have to be on the list for how hard I worked on them. I knitted these socks for a coworker of mine that retired in November.  I didn't actually finish them until December.  I think this project was one of the most difficult projects I've ever knitted.  I didn't end up having enough yarn (even though the pattern said I did) so I had to go back and rip out the top part of the sock thereby shortening it to get the extra yarn.  It's not an easy thing to do-it doesn't just unravel-it took me a month to do that.  Needless to say I was very happy to see these socks go!

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