Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bananas, Running and Target

Today was a pretty eventful day in the Scott house. I sat down for breakfast this morning with a banana and asked Logan if he wanted some of it-he then shook his head yes and said "anana"!! So cute!

After breakfast since it was so nice out we all decided to go out for a run. Me and Logan with the running stroller and Jared and Devaney walked with Jack and Cheryl. This run marked 12.8 miles for the week-the most I've ever run in a week ever! I'm going to try and keep it up-hopefully 4 times a week and 3.2 miles at a time. I will be upping the mileage once I can run the 3.2 with the stroller without stopping.

After our exercise outing we went into Lincoln for my haircut appointment and went to Target for the usual everyday things. We then went over to Harley and Lois' house for dinner-which was fantastic! Ribs, cheesy potatoes, beans, the works! Earl and his wife were here visiting and they brought Logan the cutest shirt from Estes Park-so sweet!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goodbye to a Dear Friend

Dear Mountain Dew,
I am sad to inform you that I have found a new love. I no longer need your excessive amounts of caffeine or the delightful sugary coating you left on my teeth. Our life together has been a long one. I will always remember the early mornings at the hospital when I could barely stay awake for the drive there (I'm pretty sure I scared many drivers around me while I smacked my face to stay awake) just so I could get there to have a nice cold paper cup/gallon of you. I will always remember throughout my pregnancy how I craved you and yes I was that kind of a pregnant lady-caffeine was a friend not an enemy-(come on it's not like I was doing shots of tequila). And lastly I will always remember how you kept me going on two hours of sleep once Logan was born. Breastfeeding be damned! (I could instantly tell when I drank caffeine-Logan would be crazy awake all the time-hence the vicious circle of me needing to drink the caffeine.) Not any longer-I am free of my addiction-and am on to a new one....hello Orange least it's caffeine free :)

Your longtime love,

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Little Tiny Rant

Okay on my way home from work today, which was about 6 pm there were crazy drivers everywhere. (So, there are crazy drivers everyday but when I'm late getting home from work I've usually had a long day and I'm cranky so things irritate me a little more than normal.) Here is the sarcastic conversation I had with the driver in front of me:

Me: Um, okay mister I know you didn't pay over $30,000 for a fancy vehicle like that and it not include BLINKERS!!!! All you have to do is signal that you want over and I'll let you in-I'm not that mean. But if you don't use your blinker and "ask politely" then you can't get over and I'm going to ride the butt of the person in front of me so I'll be sure that you can't get over...etc.

Promptly mister nice vehicle whizzed on by and cut some other person in front of me off.

People and I'm talking everyone especially those in Lincoln, NE, please use your blinkers. I would love to be nice and let you in but how do I know you want in unless you use your blinker?? I don't read minds-although the doctors I work with think so :) But no, I don't I wouldn't be working the job I do if I could read minds-I'd be rich in a nice big house full of yarn and knit all day long...okay going off subject but you get the point!

Blinkers!!!!!! Use them!!!!!