Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goodbye to a Dear Friend

Dear Mountain Dew,
I am sad to inform you that I have found a new love. I no longer need your excessive amounts of caffeine or the delightful sugary coating you left on my teeth. Our life together has been a long one. I will always remember the early mornings at the hospital when I could barely stay awake for the drive there (I'm pretty sure I scared many drivers around me while I smacked my face to stay awake) just so I could get there to have a nice cold paper cup/gallon of you. I will always remember throughout my pregnancy how I craved you and yes I was that kind of a pregnant lady-caffeine was a friend not an enemy-(come on it's not like I was doing shots of tequila). And lastly I will always remember how you kept me going on two hours of sleep once Logan was born. Breastfeeding be damned! (I could instantly tell when I drank caffeine-Logan would be crazy awake all the time-hence the vicious circle of me needing to drink the caffeine.) Not any longer-I am free of my addiction-and am on to a new one....hello Orange Crush....at least it's caffeine free :)

Your longtime love,

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