Friday, November 9, 2012

Roca Scary Farm

Ever since Logan was born I've pestered Jared about going to the pumpkin patch so we could pick out a pumpkin.  For some reason whether it be our schedules or the weather we just never have.  Well this year I was adamant about it-we were going to the pumpkin patch.  Jared took off early from work on my day off and we all went to the pumpkin patch.  We had a blast!  I'm not secretly glad that we waited until Logan was a little bit older so that he could enjoy all of the activities they had.

Our cute little family.

Me and Logan inside the pumpkin house (from the above picture)

Aren't we cute?  They had this big Candy Land game set up-pretty cool!

 Jared and Logan on the ground pillows-these things were so much fun!  They were bouncy like trampolines but they were attached to the ground and looked like giant pillows.

Me and Logan jumping.

Me and Logan on the giant slides!

I wondered if he's be brave enough to go down by himself-after the first time we went down he said "I want to do it by myself!"  Such a biggy boy!

Logan ascending the hill to go down the tube slide.

My boys!

Logan at the end of the tube slide-so much fun!  He and I have this thing when I'm making supper I tell him what kind of meat we're having-and if it's pork I'll say, "Piggy piggy" and he always busts up laughing.  For some reason when he heard me laughing it echoed in the slide so he all of a sudden said, "Piggy piggy" it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing.  Everytime he went down he'd say that-so cute!
Logan watching the singing chickens.

This was one of Logan's favorite things-the Corn Bus.  He loves school buses so I knew this would be right up his alley.  The back of the bus was filled with corn and had these digging contraptions so the kids could pick up the corn and move it.  This corn was deep in the middle-I was walking through there and sunk down to my shins-that's a lot of corn!

This had to be one of my favorite days ever-we had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year!

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