Saturday, September 24, 2011

Do you like my new shades?

Logan's New Haircut

Since Logan's 18 month pictures were fast approaching I decided I'd better get his hair cut. Thursday was my day off so I figured it would be perfect--there shouldn't be a lot of people getting their hair cut on Thursday morning. First we had Logan's 18 month well check that I prayed wouldn't include shots--if it included shots then the haircut was going to be a disaster. My prayers were answered--Dr. Webb did mention a shot that he needed but it could wait until the 2 year appointment--yay!

On to the haircut. We walked in and there wasn't a single person. I always try to go when I know people aren't going to be there because he screams bloody murder --which is exactly what I told the stylists he was going to do so they were all prepared. It actually ended up going really well. He was a little fussy but nothing like the last time we went. It doesn't look too bad either. It almost makes me sad to look at him because he looks so much older--he looks like a little man.

And here's another picture for your viewing pleasure-who does this remind you of? :)

Grandpa Jack? :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Memories and Goodbyes

I received a phone call tonight informing me that my Grandma (on my mother's side) was not going to make it through her latest ordeal. She's has a form of Alzheimer's for quite some time now and she has been attending a daycare because it's become harder for her husband to take care of her at home. At her most recent trip to this facility she suffered a fall and broke her jaw that required surgery to correct. I had a feeling as soon as I heard that she probably wouldn't make it.

I'm sitting here tonight thinking of all the great memories I have of my Grandma. We used to visit her in Liberty, MO quite often and we loved to go swimming and shopping. I remember crying and waving from the car window when we had to leave. I was worried that she would be lonely without us, as she lived by herself.

She moved to Lincoln once she retired so she could be closer to all of us. Not long after she moved here she remarried and soon after became ill. There is a moment that I won't forget for the rest of my life that I shared with her. We were at her house and she wasn't horribly sick but she hadn't been doing great. I walked into the kitchen to say hello to her and she hugged me so tight and laughed just like she used to. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I knew deep down that would be the last moment I shared with her that she seemed like her old self; like the Grandma I always knew and loved.

I'm very sad that this has happened but also relieved to know that she will be with my Grandpa where she belongs. Goodbye Grandma.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Outdoor Fun

Jared's mom got Logan this awesome t-ball set. It's so funny to see him play with it. He walks up all serious and puts the ball on the tee and then pushes it off with the bat. I'm telling you this kid is going to be a world class athlete :) Hopefully he gets Jared's coordination because if he gets mine it will be hopeless-good luck in track Logan! I guess for 18 months that's pretty good hand-eye coordination. At least I think it is.

Speaking of running-Saturday marked the third week of running 12.8 miles a week. It's quite an accomplishment for me. I'd love to kick it up to 15 a week but I'm trying to work on my speed before adding anymore distance. Running with the jogger must be doing me some good though because whether I would run with the jogger or not it wouldn't make much of a difference-I am a really slow runner-but today I beat my time (with the jogger) by three minutes! Yay! I was starting to think I was going to be slow forever-maybe not.

Logan's Swimming Pool

Back at the beginning of August we bought Logan a swimming pool. We wanted to see how he'd do at home before we actually think about putting him in swimming lessons. The pool is really cute-a blow fish that has a little sprinkler attached in the front that you can hook the hose up to. He didn't actually get all the way in it and sit down but he splashed around a bit. I think the deck ended up getting the brunt of it.

Such a stud!

Logan and Haircuts

Logan hates haircuts. His first haircut went really well. He seemed to be fascinated by what Kendra (the woman who cut Logan's hair the first time) was doing. The second time didn't go so well. The woman who was cutting it scared him at the end when she turned the blow dryer on right next to him. The third time was chaos. I was so glad I was the only person in the salon at the time because Logan was screaming bloody murder. It was awful-I had to hold his head and try and hold his hands down at the same time. We decided that maybe if someone Logan knew cut it that he wouldn't freak out so much. He didn't freak out as much but it still wasn't fun. Here are the pictures of Lois cutting Logan's hair. (The bubbles were supposed to be a distraction but it didn't end up working very well.) She did a great job and has tried it again since then.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Corn Chowder

Corn chowder is one of our favorite meals-I even make it in the summer. Since it's cooled down quite a bit I thought it would be perfect for dinner tonight. Here's the recipe for anyone looking for a good fall soup.


1 onion diced (I skip this because Jared hates onion)
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup flour
6 cups chicken broth or stock
2 cups heavy cream
3 potatoes diced
1 bag frozen corn
Shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Fry bacon and save some of the grease to fry the onion and garlic in until tender. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Dust potatoes with the flour and coat well. Add the potatoes and the cream and bring to a boil for 7 minutes. Add corn, salt and pepper and simmer for 10-12 mintues. Garnish with bacon and cheddar cheese.

This recipe usually is enough for dinner and then lunch for both Jared and me the next day. It's soooo good.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My New Favorite Toy

I just got home from the fastest run I've ever had and I think it's all because of this shoe:

Sketchers SRR Resistance Runner. I beat my best time by almost two minutes! This shoe is amazing-it literally felt like it was propelling me forward. I am in love. Okay I'm done gushing-I just had to do a post about it! For those of you looking for a good running shoe-this is it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Four Day Weekend!

Happy Labor Day everyone! I'm very excited because I have four days off-which never happens. I have lots of things that I need to do, here's my list:

Run (three times)

Clean the bathrooms

Clean the kitchen



Fold the laundry (Just because I do the laundry doesn't mean it gets folded-I hate folding laundry)

Buy new running shoes that don't give me blisters so I can accomplish my first task

Go to Super Target


Watch all my Tivo'd (is that a word?) shows which I can do while knitting-I'm great at watching TV and knitting :)

Read-I really need to finish reading The Girl Who Plays with Fire-I borrowed it from a coworker and she'd probably like it back within the year

Apparently learn how to make the bullets look right in a blog-it looks fine in when I'm typing it and then it gets all out of line when I post it-so weird!

I wanted to add sleep to the list but since my husband rocks he let me take a nap Friday after work and let me sleep in today-he's the best!

So far, on my first day off I ran (3.2 which made it the second week in a row that I ran 12.8 miles!) did a little knitting and TV watching, and did laundry but it didn't get folded. Hopefully the rest of this list gets done but I'm not really counting on it. I never get four days off in a row so I'm going to try and enjoy it while I can and that might mean the cleaning will have to wait.